Tuesday 14 October 2014

Upgrade My Patty

Hey World! :)

 Just another day when i decide to disobey etiquette and take pics of the food i eat. After class on Saturday, i had a few errands to run before heading home and i had skipped out on breakfast, so i was starving at this point. Since i had a marathon to "run" (honestly i can't run, i was gonna walk) i wanted something healthy to eat even though i really wanted Popeyes. Before you tell me this isn't healthy, just stop because this is healthy for me! Can't you spot all that vegetable? ^_^

So i decided to try out the Full House Patty at Mothers "The Great Jamaican Patty Company" which is basically a beef patty with cheese, lettuce and tomato. I added bacon to mine just to make sure i enjoyed it.

I was skeptical at first but i enjoyed it. This patty was both delicious and filling.

So if if you are in the mood to have a cheese patty, just upgrade it and go all the way!